Produse pentru antihistaminice mâncărimi cu cremă (5)

Crema Honor 250 ml - Cosmetice

Crema Honor 250 ml - Cosmetice

- Fuß Balsam - Fuß und Bein Lotion - Aloe Vera Creme - Muskelbalsam - Rosskastanien Creme 1.920 St. / Palette Ab Lager: Mönchengladbach D Code: LKW-Abnahme: SE 11.110 Paletten-Abnahme: SE 11.138 Zolltarifnummer: 3401.30.00
Crema Facială cu Acid Hialuronic Organic - Borcan de 50ml

Crema Facială cu Acid Hialuronic Organic - Borcan de 50ml

Moisturiser for Women with Aloe Vera - Total Age Repair Night Cream- Anti-Aging - This Organic Hyaluronic Acid Cream offers a 3-fold anti-ageing complex with deep moisturisation – Organic natural cosmetics made in Germany The development of wrinkles as well as the loss of tautness and elasticity can be traced back to multiple factors. One of them is a decrease in the body’s own hyaluronic acid production rate that gradually reduces with maturity. Our moisturising organic face cream assists in balancing out this decrease in production by supplying the skin with multi-molecular hyaluronic acid. Together with the complimenting botanical ingredients, our cream is the perfect addition to a balanced skin care routine. It supplies your skin with important nutrients as well as natural moisture and acts against the signs of skin ageing. As all products in our skin care line, the Organic Hyaluronic Acid Cream is vegan, skin compatible, and made in Germany with only the best ingredients and a touch of love.


MAGNESIUM CITRAT von FREY Nutrition - Hochwertige Magnesium Kapseln für eine optimale Aufnahme und Wirkung.
D-Mannoză Naturală 500mg

D-Mannoză Naturală 500mg

Magnesium Phytholistic - Pulbere de Magneziu Bio

Magnesium Phytholistic - Pulbere de Magneziu Bio

Unser Bio Magnesium Pulver stammt aus Meeresalgen. Diese werden in Frankreich in Küstennähe angebaut, von unseren Vertragsbauern handgepflückt, ausgiebig luftgetrocknet und anschließend afür einen magnesiumreichen Extrakt extrahiert. Als Extraktionsmittel dient Wasser, genauer gesagt Meerwasser, in dem die Algen gezüchtet werden. Das Produkt eignet sich ideal für Vegetarier und Veganer. Die wichtigsten Eckpunkte in Kürze: Eigenschaften: auf 25% natürliches Magnesium standardisiert, <200ppm Jod Botanischer Name: ulva lactuca Haltbarkeit: 24 Monate Herkunft: Frankreich Extraktionsmittel: Meerwasser Empfohlene Darreichungsform: Kapseln, Tabletten, Pulvermischung